Playful Meditation: Reconnecting with Inner Joy
Before you begin, find a comfortable position. Keep your back straight and your eyes closed. Take a deep breath, then exhale slowly.
Now, in your mind, imagine yourself in your favorite childhood playground. Let this place be filled with safety and freedom. Bring every detail to your meditation: the smell of the earth, the softness of the grass, the warmth of the sun… or the scent of the room, the softness of the carpet, and the warmth of a blanket…
Now, start playing in your playground. Remember the games you loved. Perhaps you’re playing hide and seek, or maybe you’re jumping rope or swinging on a swing. Feel your game and get lost in it. Feel the warmth and happiness of your memories.
Now, observe the games of your childhood. How did your games make you feel? What emotions did they trigger? Relive the excitement, enthusiasm, and joy you felt as you connected with your games.
Internalize the joy and freedom you felt during these games. These feelings are always waiting for you somewhere. Whenever you feel stressed, tense, or anxious, you can return to this joy and freedom. Just remember your games and unleash your inner child.
Now, take a deep breath and return to the present moment. Hold onto what you’ve felt and carry this peaceful feeling with you for the rest of the day. Open your eyes and refocus on the present moment.
This short but powerful meditation helps us reconnect with our inner child when we find ourselves lost in the tasks of the day. Let’s not forget that the child within each of us is waiting to be seen, and it is us who can provide that recognition. With the hope that you embrace your inner child tightly with love…
”You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” — Plato